Upper Arm Liposuction

Perfect for targeting hard-to-treat areas throughout the body, SmartLipo with Dr. Scarpidis is a revolutionary technology that not only melts fat that is unresponsive to diet and exercise – but also enhances the contour of your figure and sculpts a more ideal physique.
If you are looking for arguably the best upper arm liposuction NYC has to offer, Scarpidis Aesthetics is for you.

Upper arm liposuction in NYC may be a solution to the problem. At Scarpidis Aesthetics, our skilled plastic surgeons can perform state-of-the-art liposuction procedures to reduce accumulated fat and restore a more aesthetically pleasing shape to the upper arms.

Overview of Upper Arm Liposuction

Our patients have upper arm liposuction in New York to achieve a more proportionate appearance of the arms. We perform arm liposuction with precision and skill as a body-sculpting procedure – not just for fat removal. Our surgeons remove precise amounts of fat in specific targeted areas to create an overall more youthful, trim, beautiful appearance.

In addressing the upper arms, Dr. Scarpidis also examines the area just behind the armpits. When excess fat has accumulated in the upper arms, in can usually be found creating “bra roll” bulges as well. We custom-tailor each arm liposuction procedure to suit the individual patient’s needs.

Our NYC bra line fat removal will handle these fat deposits to create a bulge-free, aesthetic upper arm and back area.

Benefits of Arm Liposuction

The upper arms can betray a woman’s age, even when she eats a healthy, nutritious diet, and exercises to stay fit. Accumulated fat in the upper arms is a sign of aging that can seriously limit your clothing choices and add years to your appearance. Arm liposuction in NYC is a simple, safe procedure to remove excess fat and improve definition and contours of the arms.

Benefits of arm liposuction include:

Upper Arm Liposuction NYC
  • Used to remove both upper and lower arm fat
  • Reduces bra rolls and fat deposits around the arms
  • Contours slender arms with improved definition
  • Promotes skin tightening to reduce sagging

Bra Fat Removal - Bra Bulge Surgery

There are five important methods for addressing back fat, bra bulge, and bra fat removal in New York City:

  • Dieting for Back Fat Reduction
  • Back Fat Exercises
  • Reduce Anxiety and Improve Sleep to Eliminate Bra Bulge
  • Non-Surgical Back Fat Reduction Techniques
  • Surgical Back Fat Reduction Techniques

Dieting, exercising and reducing one's anxiety are absolutely key to ultimately handling these physical issues. However, for more immediate solutions, non-surgical and surgical procedures can be used to help. SmartLipo, SculpSure and Liposuction have all been used to assist with bra fat treatment in NYC. Here at Scarpidis Aesthetics, we have seen that bra fat removal can easily be addressed using the appropriate method, and we have had many successes in this area.

Arm Liposuction Procedure

With advances in technology, various liposuction techniques are available today. Depending on your unique anatomy and cosmetic goals, Dr. Scarpidis can recommend the best arm liposuction procedure for you. Possible treatment options include:

Traditional Liposuction

This remains a popular procedure despite significant advances in technology. In traditional liposuction, the surgeon uses a cannula (thin tube) inserted through a small incision to inject fluids into the treatment area and manually break up fat. The fat cells are removed from the body using suction.


This revolutionary laser liposuction technology is used to melt unresponsive fat in hard-to-treat areas while enhancing body contours.

Tumescent Liposuction

In this safe, effective, comfortable procedure, the treatment area is infused with saline solution containing lidocaine and epinephrine, causing the fat to swell and become firm and making fat removal and contouring easier. This technique results in less bleeding and bruising and a faster, easier recovery.

Superwet Liposuction

Superwet liposuction is a variation of tumescent liposuction that uses less fluid to infuse the treatment area and is performed under general anesthesia.

Ultrasonic Liposuction

Ultrasound energy used in this popular liposuction technique targets and liquifies fat cells, making them easier to remove. Ultrasonic liposuction makes it possible to remove large, dense fat deposits while tightening the skin.

Power Assisted Liposuction

In this procedure, the surgeon uses a cannula with a vibrating tip to break up fat cells for easier removal. It allows for smaller incisions and quicker recovery than traditional liposuction.

Jane - Lead Medical Aesthetician at Scarpidis Aesthetics

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Jane - Lead Medical Aesthetician at Scarpidis Aesthetics

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Recovery after Arm Liposuction

Depending on the type of anesthesia used in your procedure, you may be able to return home in 1 to 3 hours after upper arm liposuction or bra bulge surgery in New York. Have someone available to drive you home and assist you during the first 24 hours after surgery.

You can expect some swelling and bruising, and possibly dimpling and unevenness, which will resolve over time after the procedure. Most patients can resume normal activities and exercise within 3 to 6 weeks after liposuction.

When tumescent or superwet liposuction is performed, the treatment area is infused with fluids to make treatment safer, more effective, and more comfortable for the patient. In these cases, the small incisions made during the procedure are left open to allow the fluids to drain from the body.

Compressions sleeves must be worn continuously for the first 48 hours after the procedure. After that, you may take your first shower. You will need to wear compression sleeves for 3 to 6 weeks after treatment to help ensure that the skin reattaches fully to arm after liposuction.

Are You a Good Candidate for Arm Liposuction?

Generally, the best candidates for arm liposuction are patients in good physical health who:

  • Have reached or are near their ideal weight
  • Have stubborn fat deposits in and around the arms that are resistant to diet and exercise
  • Desire body reshaping and contouring, as opposed to weight loss

To find out if you are good candidate for arm liposuction in NYC, schedule a consultation at Scarpidis Aesthetics. If this procedure is recommended, Dr. Scarpidis can individually tailor an arm liposuction treatment plan specifically for you.

Strengthen Your Results With Personal Training

At Scarpidis Aesthetics, we go one step beyond a superlative surgical experience. For our New York patients, we offer personal training services for those who have recently undergone body contouring. Too frequently, we have seen patients use surgery as a presumed “cure-all” for their physique, failing to alter their lifestyle, regaining the weight. With our personal training services, our aim is to help patients find a new routine, giving them health and beauty for a long time to come.

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Schedule a consultation

If you struggle with stubborn areas of fat that refuse to budge no matter how much time you spend at the gym, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Scarpidis today to discuss among the best SmartLipo NYC & Manhattan have to offer. During your meeting in his midtown office, he will carefully evaluate your problem areas, before outlining a customized treatment plan designed to sculpt the slim and toned body contour you deserve.

Call us today: (212) 951-0505

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