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Earlobe Repair

Occasionally women (and men) come to Scarpidis Aesthetics looking to repair one or both of their earlobes. Whether for cosmetic or medically necessary purposes, our earlobe repair in NYC will help them to create once-again symmetrical, whole and beautiful earlobes.

Reasons for Earlobe Repair

The most common earlobe problems that require surgical repair are torn earlobes, stretched or misshapen earlobes, or elongated earlobes.

Torn, Stretched or Misshapen Earlobes

Torn earlobes may be the result of years of wearing heavy earrings or the result of the earlobe ripping after being caught in clothing or other jewelry, or by a young child.

Stretched or misshapen earlobes may also be the result of wearing gauge earrings that have created large holes in the earlobe. In some cases, a problem with shape or volume is congenital, as some people were born with long or oddly-shaped earlobes and choose to correct the appearance with a minor surgical procedure at Scarpidis Aesthetics.

Additionally, keloid scars occasionally form over earlobe injuries. If you have a keloid scar that is unsightly and you would like it to be treated, Dr. Scarpidis can help.

Elongated Earlobes as a Result of Aging

An elongated earlobe can also come about as a natural result of aging. The belief that our ears (and nose) continue to grow throughout our lifetime is not uncommon. It is, however, untrue—it just appears to be so. This phenomenon is actually the result of a combination of two factors.

The first has to do with the body’s inability to produce sufficient elastic cartilage—which is the type of cartilage in our ears—to fight off sagging and the effects of gravity on the earlobes. It is not that there is actual growth, per se, but earlobes do lengthen, and at quite an exacting rate: .22 millimeters per year. This rate is so well-recognized that forensic scientists may use earlobe size and length to determine a person’s approximate age.

There is another reason the earlobes lengthen. Just as the body stops producing as much elastic cartilage, it stops producing as much collagen, which gives the skin its supple elasticity. This causes the facial skin adjacent to the ears to sag, unable to support the ear’s structure as well as it did in the earlier years. The result is that the ears may lower as the facial skin loosens, with the passage of time.


Treatments and Procedures for Repairing Earlobes

There are several treatments for earlobe repair. The treatment needed will depend on the type and severity of the damage. At Scarpidis Aesthetics NYC, our state-of-the-art cosmetic center, we perform all earlobe repair procedures. A minor surgical procedure, your earlobe repair in NYC may require only a few minutes, or up to an hour, performed with a local anesthetic. You will be given specific post-procedure instructions to speed healing.

Mild swelling or bruising is typical. If the earlobe has been sutured, you might experience some minor discomfort, but this is easily remedied with over-the-counter pain medication. Ordinarily, none of these effects last beyond a couple of days to a week maximum and should not prevent you from returning to work or any other daily activities within a day—or even the same day—as you have your earlobe repair surgery in NYC.

Treatment for a Torn Earlobe

The earlobe may be numbed with ice or an anesthetic. The edges of the tear must be surgically addressed by removing skin to access the healthy tissue, with the earlobe then pulled together and sutured with tiny stitches.

Gauge Repair

Many patients come to us to restore earlobes that have been significantly stretched with gauges. To repair them and create natural-looking earlobes requires a bit more surgical work. The large gap must be closed to reshape the earlobe. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, such as Juvéderm, may be added to plump the lobe if it appears thinner than it should, or the earlobes plumped with a natural fat graft in some cases.

Treatment for Stretched, Elongated or Deformed Earlobes

To restore stretched, elongated or deformed earlobes, your surgery will require excising the extra skin and tissue, and reshaping the earlobes to create a natural look to the lobe, and then carefully suturing the lobe so it heals in a natural shape.

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Ask Julia

Hi! My name is Julia. I am the Chief Plastic Surgery Specialist at Scarpidis Aesthetics.

Feel free to ask me any questions, I'll be happy to help!

Why Choose Scarpidis Aesthetics for Earlobe Repair in NYC

Dr. Scarpidis is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has successfully performed thousands of cosmetic and restorative procedures. His experience and expertise will ensure that your earlobes are restored to most natural shape possible, in proportion to your facial features, and once healed, the repair will be virtually invisible. For the best earlobe repair NYC has to offer, schedule with us today.

Call us today: (212) 951-0505

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