Precision TX - Laser Neck Lift

For patients who want to address telltale signs of facial aging but aren’t yet ready to undergo a full surgical facelift, PrecisionTX offers an ideal solution. Also known as a “laser facelift,” PrecisionTX is a quick and powerful rejuvenation treatment that will leave you looking and feeling younger than ever.

What is a laser facelift?

PrecisionTX is a powerful laser technology that’s capable of reversing signs of aging that previously could only be addressed by a surgical facelift – such as loose skin, jowls, a double chin and a “turkey wattle.”

The procedure works by melting fat underneath the surface and stimulating the body’s natural healing response. In this way, it tightens the skin, increases collagen production and continues to improve the skin’s texture and structure for several months after the treatment.

The laser facelift procedure

You can expect your minimally-invasive PrecisionTX procedure to be quick and painless. To begin, Dr. Scarpidis will administer a numbing medication to the treatment area, before making three incisions behind each ear and underneath the chin. Through those openings, he will administer the laser energy, melting the underlying fat and tightening the skin to produce a firmer and more youthful facial appearance.

After your procedure, you will need to stay home from work for approximately five days. During this time, it’s normal to experience some minor bruising, swelling and pain, though it should be manageable with over-the-counter pain medication, such as Tylenol. In general, all of these effects will be minor, and they should resolve within two weeks. Because the laser relies on the body’s own healing response, the full effects of the treatment will take a few months to manifest. However, you’ll be able to see a significant improvement within the first few weeks.

Julia - Chief Plasic Surgery Specialist

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Hi! My name is Julia. I am the Chief Plastic Surgery Specialist at Scarpidis Aesthetics. Feel free to ask me any questions, I'll be happy to help!

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Julia - Chief Plastic Surgery Specialist

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Are you a candidate for a laser facelift?

As long as you’re in good general health and want a minimally-invasive way to treat the precise signs of aging the PrecisionTX can address – including loose skin, jowls, a double chin or a “turkey wattle” neck – you may be considered a candidate for the laser facelift. However, if you have more advanced signs of aging, such as excessive sagging skin, the laser facelift won’t be in your best interest, as you’ll likely require a more significant surgical approach. With that said, the only way to know for sure if you are a candidate is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Scarpidis today, so he can evaluate the condition of your skin and provide you with personalized guidance.

Schedule a consultation

If you want to rejuvenate your facial appearance – but you’re not ready for a full surgical facelift – we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Scarpidis today to discuss treatment in his New York City office. During your private meeting in his midtown office, he will carefully evaluate the signs of aging that concern you most, before outlining a customized treatment plan designed to restore your refreshed and youthful facial appearance in the most minimally-invasive way possible.

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