Microneedling in NYC

Microneedling is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures today. It produces results similar to laser procedures, but without the significant downtime. Also known as collagen induction therapy, this minimally-invasive procedure can be used to treat a range of skin problems, including scars, stretchmarks, and wrinkles. It is a powerful anti-aging treatment that helps prevent new lines from forming and stimulates collage and elastin production, for firmer, more youthful-looking skin.

At Scarpidis Aesthetics, we perform microneedling in New York, as well as a wide range of non-surgical cosmetic procedures for the face. Dr. Ulysses H. Scarpidis is a leading board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his practice to providing the most advanced and effective facial and body rejuvenation treatments to help his patients look and feel their absolute best.

What Is Microneedling?

Microneedling is a skin rejuvenation procedure involving tiny needles that puncture the top layer of the skin, causing micro-injuries that stimulate the body’s production of collagen. The new collagen works to fill in fine lines and wrinkles and plump up the skin, creating a refreshed, more youthful appearance.

This procedure is effective for treating sunken areas in the skin caused by acne or chickenpox, as well as discoloration and general skin rejuvenation. It can be used on other areas of the body besides the face, including the neck, arms, hands, abdomen, back, and legs.

Microneedling Procedure

The entire process for your microneedling in NYC typically takes less than 30 minutes. First, a numbing cream is applied to ensure your comfort during the procedure. Next, tiny, shallow needles are moved across the skin using a handheld device. Using cutting-edge technology, the needles are energized with radiofrequency to further stimulate collagen production in the skin. Radiofrequency waves help jumpstart the natural healing process.

The skin will appear slightly reddened after the procedure, similar to the appearance of sunburn, but will look fairly normal within a few days. Results appear gradually, as collagen growth occurs in the weeks and months after the procedure.

Approximately 3 to 6 microneedling treatments are typically required to produce the most beneficial cosmetic results. More treatments may be required to treat deep wrinkles, severe sun damage or scarring, or stretch marks.

Jane - Lead Medical Aesthetician at Scarpidis Aesthetics

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Jane - Lead Medical Aesthetician at Scarpidis Aesthetics

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Benefits of Microneedling

This minimally invasive skin rejuvenating procedure utilizes the body’s own natural healing mechanisms to produce natural results. Microneedling involves minimal downtime, which makes it ideal for busy people who want to have an effective procedure to ward off the signs of aging on the face or body. It can be used to treat lax skin, fine lines and wrinkles, acne and other scars, stretchmarks, hair loss, and skin texture problems. Microneedling:

  • Induces collagen production
  • Strengthens the epidermis
  • Diminishes the appearance of scars
  • Reduces the appearance of stretch marks
  • Helps prevent new wrinkles and fine lines from forming
  • Improves skin texture and tone
  • Produces long-lasting results


Dr. Scarpidis uses the Dermapen in New York to perform microneedling procedures. Since this device was introduced to the market several years ago, it has played an important role in redefining fractional skin rejuvenation. The Dermapen is a microneedling pen with built-in safety features containing 12 needles in its tip. With fractional delivery of microneedles, it creates micro-injuries to the epidermis and dermis, encouraging the body’s own healing mechanism to repair and rejuvenate skin quality.

For optimal patient safety, comfort, and results, the Dermapen uses sterile, individually sealed, disposable needle cartridges. Each disposable needle tip contains multiple needles that vertically penetrate the skin to create tiny micro-channels and stimulate the natural ability of the skin to heal itself and increase collagen production to produce firmer, more elastic skin.

Repairing Skin at the Cellular Level

No Side Effects or Recovery Time

The tiny channels can carry up to 80% more topical nutrients than untreated skin, allowing penetration to the fibroblasts and cells of the dermis and basal layer. Absorption of active ingredients into the skin is increased, accelerating regeneration of epidermal cells and stimulating repair at a cellular level.

Our Dermapen microneedling in NYC produces results similar to laser treatment, but without the side effects or recovery time. Disposable needles reduce the risk of cross-contamination for greater patient safety.

Depth of penetration is adjustable, allowing for customized treatment to suit each patient’s needs. With superficial to deep dermal penetration, Dermapen devices have a wide range of applications to improve product absorption or correct a variety of skin problems, including:

  • Texture and tone
  • Pore appearance
  • Lip wrinkles
  • Acne or trauma scarring
  • Melasma and pigmentation
  • Superficial wrinkles
  • Stretch marks

Light penetration opens the skin for absorption of treatment serums. Mid-depth penetration can be used to treat light scarring and superficial sun damage and to improve skin tone and texture and pore size and appearance. With deeper levels of penetration, the Dermapen can be used to improve burn scars, acne scars, and stretch marks, soften wrinkles, and tighten the skin.

As we age, the skin produces less collagen and begins to lose it firm, elastic quality. Microneedling is a minimally-invasive procedure with minimal downtime that uses the body’s natural healing response to stimulate collagen production, combat lines and wrinkles, reduce the appearance of stretchmarks and scars, and rejuvenate the skin. Schedule a consultation at Scarpidis Aesthetics to discuss microneedling treatments for a revitalized, more youthful skin.

What is Microneedling with PRP?

Microneedling with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) harnesses the power of the body's healing mechanisms for skin rejuvenation. This procedure combines the benefits of microneedling with the regenerative properties of PRP derived from the patient's own blood. During the procedure, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient, and the PRP is extracted through centrifugation. The PRP, rich in growth factors and platelets, is then applied to the skin following microneedling.

How is Microneedling Enhanced PRP and exosomes?

After microneedling, PRP or exosomes can be applied topically on the skin’s surface to enhance the production of collagen and elastin and accelerate the healing process. The small punctures made by the microneedles make it possible for the skin to better absorb these powerful elixirs. Exosomes are packed with over 300 growth factors and PRP contains 12. Combining collagen induction therapy with exosomes and PRP synergistically augments the advantages of both treatments.

What Skin Concerns Can Microneedling with PRP Address?

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scars
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Sun damage
  • Enlarged pores
  • Stretch marks
  • Dull complexion
  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Skin laxity

What Are the Benefits of Microneedling with PRP and exosomes?

  • Boosts collagen production
  • Enhances collagen synthesis
  • Creates a firmer, more youthful-looking complexion
  • Improves skin texture and tone
  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles and scars
  • Reduces hyperpigmentation
  • Provides deep cellular nourishment and hydration
  • Minimal downtime

Schedule a consultation

If you’re ready to improve the appearance of a double chin, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Scarpidis today. During your private meeting in his New York office, he will carefully evaluate the excess volume underneath your chin, as well as the overall quality of your skin, before determining whether or not Kybella can achieve the slim and contoured facial appearance you desire.

Call us today: (212) 951-0505

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